Pump and Go, Part 1 One of the things I hear from people who don’t support nursing in public (NIP) is the argument that moms can or should pump their Continue Reading
How to Make Partner More Comfortable with NIP
Because we live in a culture that sexualizes the female breast (and sometimes even scandalizes the nursing breast), it is understandable that many new Continue Reading
Breastfeeding, Church and Teenage Boys
Laura, a NursingFreedom.org reader, had the following incident happen to her and her son (Cole) recently. She would appreciate your gentle, Continue Reading
Breastfeeding While Babywearing
BREASTFEEDING WHILE BABYWEARING, PART 1 We're celebrating International Babywearing Week by featuring some of our readers' stories and pictures while Continue Reading
Bringing Babies to Work: How to Make Public Nursing a Non-Issue
When we see a novel event over and over, our brain does something called habituation. It becomes so accustomed to what we previously Continue Reading
Tattoos and Breastfeeding II
Thank you to all of the mamas who have shared their beautiful ink with us! We got so many more pictures after we published our first post of Continue Reading
Tattoos and Breastfeeding
For those among us who celebrate our lives with tattoos (or simply enjoy body art on others), feast your eyes on some of the breastfeeding/motherhood Continue Reading