Welcome to the World Breastfeeding 2013 Blog Carnival cohosted by NursingFreedom.org and The San Diego Breastfeeding Center! Please take time to read Continue Reading
Where Are Our Breastfeeding Role Models ?
I saw a woman breastfeeding her three month old son while walking around the busy farmer's market yesterday morning. No one told her to take it to her Continue Reading
How to Make Partner More Comfortable with NIP
Because we live in a culture that sexualizes the female breast (and sometimes even scandalizes the nursing breast), it is understandable that many new Continue Reading
Breastfeeding While Babywearing
BREASTFEEDING WHILE BABYWEARING, PART 1 We're celebrating International Babywearing Week by featuring some of our readers' stories and pictures while Continue Reading
State Breastfeeding Laws
State Breastfeeding Laws - Two U.S. states do not protect a mother's right to nurse her child in public: WVa and ID. Three additional states only Continue Reading